
Secondary 3  
Language  English Language, Chinese Language, Putonghua
Mathematics and Science Mathematics, Science
Technology Computer, Home Economics
Personal, Social and Humanities Education Life and Society, Chinese History, Geograhpy
Aesthetic and Physical Education Visual Arts, Music, Physical Education
Other Learning Experience Life Planning Programme, Diversify Learning Programme, school assemblies and other life wide learning activities



Secondary 5 and Secondary 6  
Core Subjects English Language, Chinese Language, Mathematics, Citizenship and Social Development
Electives (A) Physics, Chinese History, Visual Arts, Tourism and Hospitality
Electives (B) Chemistry, Geography, Information and Communication Technology, Applied Learning *
Electives (C) Biology, Economics, Mathematics Extended Part (M1), Applied Learning *
Aesthetic and Physical Education Physical Education
Other Learning Experience Life Planning Programme, Diversify Learning Programme, school assemblies and other life wide learning activities
* ApL courses are developed and delivered by the respective course providers and are approved by the Education Bureau.